Welcome to Artistic Healing With Christal

Rediscover the joy of being creative with our unique blend of digital self-care products


Not sure where to start? Let me help

Painting tutorials


A great place to start when getting back to your creative roots

Great for all painting levels with easy to follow step by step instructions!


Confident Creatives Circle Membership


Creative inspiration unleashed every month

Dive deeper into the world of art with increased support and live tutorials


What Customers are saying

Who's Your Teacher?

Hi! My name is Christal Anger and I have been creating art for over 20 years! It's an activity that I find calming and there are so many benefits to being creative. 

Back in 2017, I hit a point where I was burning out, feeling exhausted, and had somehow lost touch with my creative mojo. After some deep self-reflection, I decided to make a change and reintroduced art into my self-care routine.

That turning point ignited a passion in me to guide other busy women, who might have let life sideline their creative spirits, back to that joyful space. That's why I've crafted a range of products to help you revive your artistic side and seamlessly integrate art into your wellness journey.

We all harbor a creative spark within, and I'm genuinely thrilled to be part of your journey in rediscovering yours!

In week 1 we provide art prompts that help guide you through overthinking, personal fears  insecurities and so much more. They foster self-love through art, promoting healing and growth. 

What you'll get to guide you on your journey:

Comprehensive Tutorials: Access step-by-step video tutorials for each art activity, guiding you through the techniques with clarity and simplicity.

Art supply list: Access to a full list of supplies organized so that you are prepared

Weekly Schedule & Reminders: Stay on track with a detailed weekly schedule and friendly reminders, ensuring you make the most of each art-filled day.

Artistic Journal: Document your progress, thoughts, and emotions in an artistic journal, reflecting on your Week 1 journey and embracing your evolving skills.


During Week 3, it's all about you and your unique journey of self-discovery. Dive into the world of coloring pages, where you can connect with your emotions, memories, and the beautiful landscape of your soul.

What you'll get to guide you on your journey:

Curated Coloring Pages: Explore a carefully curated selection of coloring pages that have been thoughtfully chosen to inspire self-exploration and reflection.

Inspiring Color Palettes: Discover a range of inspiring color palettes and ready-made combinations that will elevate your coloring and aid in expressing your emotions.

Coloring Tips for Mindfulness: Receive expert tips on how to infuse mindfulness into your coloring practice, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the present moment and experience the calming benefits of the creative process.

As part of your membership, you'll receive a set of 36 beautifully designed Confidence Affirmation Cards. These cards are more than just words; they're your daily companions, reminding you of your inner strength, beauty, and worth.

This log is your personal window into the transformative power of art. Before and after each art prompt, you can capture your emotions, thoughts, and reflections. It's a powerful tool that allows you to track your growth and witness the positive impact of your self-care commitment.

 The colour palette guide is a wonderful addition to your membership, providing you with the tools to infuse your artwork with even more beauty, depth, and personal expression. Embrace this bonus and watch your creative world expand."

As part of our dedication to your holistic well-being, we're delighted to introduce our fourth bonus: the Affirmation Shuffle Deck. These digital cards are a powerful daily companion, designed to infuse positivity and motivation into your life. With affirmations carefully crafted to boost your confidence, reduce stress, and enhance self-love, this deck is a valuable addition to your membership

To enhance your experience, we're thrilled to introduce our fifth bonus: the Monthly Bingo Contest. It's a delightful and interactive way to add an element of fun to your self-care routine, and stay motivated on your path to well-being. When you fill out a card you are put into a draw for a cash prize!

These enchanting narratives are carefully selected to inspire, uplift, and spark introspection. They provide a moment of solace and reflection in your busy life. As you immerse yourself in the beauty of these stories, you'll find yourself transported to different worlds and perspectives, each carrying profound life lessons.

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40% off any art tutorial

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